Monday, December 31, 2007

nothing spesh

We got back from Christmas yesterday. I don’t know why I didn’t ask off work today. Carrie said she “whole-hoggedly” wishes she had, too. Whole-hoggedly, ha ha!

David’s playing a gig tonight but this year for new year’s eve I just want to sit on the couch and I. Don't. Care. I don't even feel old, or at least I don't feel guilty about it. Maybe this is the liberation they say comes with your thirties. Maybe I'll just tell myself that.

I got two particularly exciting texts last night, one from Michelle who said Joel McHale was at Neumo’s sitting at the bar and she had talked to him for 10 minutes. Where am I when these things happen?! Then Simone texted me "I just told Jack Black about Lolly saying 'thaaaat's my life!'" (The context for that story is that Neil Hamburger says “but thaaaat’s my life” and yesterday I told Lolly “If you go on the potty you get candy” and she said “Thaaat’s my life!” Not that we let Lolly listen to Neil Hamburger but I guess she’s heard us say that random catchphrase.)

I have no more details about the Jack Black story but am anxious for them.

1 comment:

michaelstevensrev said...

Wow, the real Jack Black not just that guy who looks like Nacho Libre at Grace. There are great things in store for Lolly!

Have you heard of reverse psychology??? -Judah